When you buy a vehicle, you are making a serious investment. If you have bad credit, you might be wondering if you can even get an auto loan. You may not know what you can do to improve your chances of buying a used car. Here at 5 Star Auto Plaza, we want to help. Here are some used car buying tips with poor credit in St. Charles to get you moving in the right direction.
When you submit your application, you want it to be when you think your credit score will be at its highest. If you are just getting started improving your credit, this can be after:
You can do other things to make sure your credit is at its best. Even if you have poor credit, some things can help. These include:
While obtaining a bad credit auto loan can mean higher interest rates, be wary of any dealership that doubles the current rates. At 5 Star Auto Plaza, we have several financing options for less than stellar credit. This includes our buy-here-pay-here program. We hope these used car buying tips with poor credit in St. Charles helped. Being prepared before you come in can make all the difference. Contact us at (636) 940-7600 , and let us get you in the right car today.
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